When Should You See A Dermatologist?
Posted on: 22 November 2014
When you have skin conditions, like itching or pimples, it is tempting to try and treat it on your own with over-the-counter medications. While this is a good place to start, you may need to get a doctor's assistance. A dermatologist is a doctor that specializes in various skin disorders and can diagnose the problem, as well as providing excellent treatment options. Here are different situations when you should see a dermatologist.
Pimples That Don't Go Away
If you have acne that is sticking around and none of the products you have tried are helping to minimize them, it might be time to visit your dermatologist. You should try over-the-counter products for a few months first. After that point, your dermatologist can determine if it is simply a long phase of acne, or if you might be breaking out due to your other medications, or from a hormonal imbalance.
You Have A Lesion
When you notice odd or unusual lesions on your face, you should always go to a dermatologist. While most lesions are simply areas of tissue that might be from clogged pores or other minor conditions, it is still a good idea to have it checked out. Your doctor will examine the lesion and might take a sample of the cells to run a biopsy. This is to look for any signs of skin cancer that might need to be treated.
If you have moles on your skin that are suddenly changing in texture, color or size, get them looked at by a dermatologist as soon as possible.
Discoloration Of The Skin
Discoloration is another thing that often comes from excessive sun exposure or the aging process, but is also a reason to visit your dermatologist. If the skin discoloration is temporary, it might not be an issue, but if it bleeds, is getting darker, or is expanding, you should see a doctor, like those at Allergy Asthma and Dermatology Associates. Skin discolorations could be early signs of skin cancers or other skin conditions that need to be treated quickly.
Rash Or Itch
While having a rash or itch on your face might seem minor, it may be due to a skin condition that can be treated. Instead of dealing with an unsightly rash or risking scarring from constant itching, see your dermatologist. You may have inflammation, dermatitis, or eczema, which can be treated to allow you to find relief. Most only take simple medications or over-the-counter cream to help relieve the itching and reduce the appearance of the rash.