Double Delivery: 10 Things To Expected When You're Having Twins
Posted on: 4 April 2018
Having twins may mean double the joy of babies, but it also means a lot of other things will be happening and you need to be aware of them. From the first to the last month, you want to know what's going on and how you can take the best care of yourself and the amazing little ones soon to be sharing your life.
1. More Morning Sickness
Having twins means you're likely to experience more morning sickness than the average non-multiple pregnancy. Additionally, since you will have a greater amount of hormones raging through your body, other pregnancy-related complications, such as sleeplessness and heartburn, might be double for you.
2. More Weight Gain
Pound-for-pound, you're probably going to gain more weight than if you were only carrying a single child. Those extra pounds are likely to exceed the weight of one of your babies, meaning the gain is more than proportional to the number of developing fetuses. While this is considered normal, it's a good idea to get specific numbers from your obstetrician for what you can expect, so you can try to stay within a healthy realm of weight gain.
3. The Need For More Folic Acid
Sufficient amounts of folic acid work to prevent birth defects, making it vital that you get what you need every day. The standard pregnancy vitamin so many women depend on may not be enough for you, but your doctor will make a specific recommendation. Hopefully you enjoy foods rich in this nutrient, like avocados, Brussels sprouts, spinach and asparagus!
4. A Greater Possibility Of Spotting
Spotting is considered normal for any pregnancy, but you need to be especially vigilant regarding this possible complication of expecting twins. So long as your spotting isn't accompanied by cramps, there shouldn't be any cause for alarm; however, if you do feel cramping or observe the passing of clots, inform your obstetrician and prepare yourself for a quick checkup.
5. Spending More Time With Your Obstetrician
Most expecting moms accept the fact that being pregnant means many interruptions to your schedule, including visits to the doctor; since you're carrying twins, you can plan on even more visits. While you're there, be sure to ask every question you can think of that will help you prepare for the major changes coming your way after the babies are born.
6. Being At Greater Risk For Gestational Diabetes
The burden on your body with twins is significant, and as such your risk of developing gestational diabetes is higher. While this means more visits to the doctor and more testing, it also means keeping good tabs on your diet, and staying active to the extent that you are advised.
7. The Need For (Even More) Rest
Expectant women tend to enjoy naps, giving you an excellent excuse to get plenty of rest. Carrying two babies should mean you can put your feet up when your back is aching, as well as laying your head down when you're feeling tired. Ideally, you can rest on an as-needed basis, but if you lead a crazy life, call upon friends and family to pick up some slack for you, so you can give your body the rest it needs for this special delivery.
8. The Need For (Even More) Support
Most especially after the babies are born, you're going to need a lot of help around the house and in life in general. It helps to be as prepared as possible for the birth, by arranging the sleeping, changing, and eating areas in advance, but don't be afraid to ask those around you for the extra support you're going to need. People love babies, and while the simple act of holding one and rocking it to sleep can be considered a privilege, this is a particular privilege that will benefit you as well, leaving you with only one baby to tend to for at least a few glorious moments.
9. A C-Section
If you're hoping for a natural delivery, discuss your options with your obstetrician, as it may not be possible. Although natural births aren't unheard of with twins, it may be in everyone's best interest if the delivery is deliberate and surgical.
10. Early Labor
Not carrying to full term is more likely to happen when you're expecting twins, and since this may lead to complications, you need to take every possible precaution available. Ask your doctor about extra rest, or even certain medications that may delay preterm labor, but be prepared for a number of possible outcomes.
Twins are a special blessing in life, and carrying them around in your womb during your pregnancy presents you with special challenges. Learn about those challenges and team up with a great obstetrician who will provide expert pregnancy care and see you through to a most remarkable delivery.