Learn How To Maintain Healthy, Strong Bones And Treat Osteoporosis

Posted on: 13 December 2018

Estrogen decreases when a woman goes through menopause. Since estrogen helps with calcium and vitamin D absorption necessary for strong bones, osteoporosis can become an issue leaving women prone to bone density loss and fractures. If you are dreading going through the 'change of life' known as menopause, get prepared for your personal journey by learning about ways to prevent osteoporosis and treat it if it becomes an issue for you.

Use Weight Resistance And Flexibility Exercises

Exercises that involve lifting weights or stretching various body parts can help strengthen muscles and bones. Think about some of the things you do on a regular basis. Bending and lifting household objects, carrying bags of groceries or other purchases, and weeding or mowing the lawn are all beneficial movements that can already be assisting with healthy bones.

If you are somewhat lazy, however, or don't participate in many household or lawn chores, then it is time to add some activities to your routine. Sign up for water aerobics, strength training, dance classes, or a team sport that interests you.

Participate several times a week in the activity of your choosing. If you get bored of something you sign up for, don't give up on exercise. Instead, keep trying new activities until you find one that you find to be enjoyable. 

Adjust Your Diet

Since calcium and vitamin D are needed to maintain healthy bones, it is important to eat foods and drink beverages that contain these essential nutrients. Cheeses, yogurt, spinach, kale, canned salmon, almonds, sardines, fortified juices, eggs, and milk are just some of the calcium and vitamin D rich items that you can incorporate in your diet.

Avoid carbonated or sugary drinks, since these do not contain healthy ingredients and could interfere with the absorption of the nutrients that your body needs.

Seek Guidance From Your Physician

If your mother, grandmother, or another female relative in your family has suffered from osteoporosis, the risk of you being prone to this disease could be more prevalent. Speak to your physician about your concerns over the possibility of acquiring osteoporosis and inquire about taking a dietary supplement that could assist with maintaining your bone density.

Your physician may also suggest a bone density scan. This type of test uses X-rays to determine how many grams of calcium and other bone nutrients are present in your bones. As a result, it can be determined if you are more prone to bone fractures. If you are likely to acquire osteoporosis, your doctor will prepare a treatment plan that will ensure that you are receiving the required nutrients to counteract the signs of osteoporosis.

For more information on osteoporosis treatments, contact your local medical office today.
