Urology Office Interventions For Urinary Changes
Posted on: 26 September 2022
Changes in urinary patterns are common, however, before your male urologist can recommend a treatment plan, they will need to determine the source of your urinary changes. While certain diagnostic and surgical procedures may be warranted to make a definitive diagnosis, these simple in-office interventions may help reveal the cause of your urinary changes.
Oral Medical History
Your oral medical history can reveal valuation information to help your male urologist uncover the reasons for the changes in your urinary pattern. For example, your doctor may ask you if you have a family history of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) which refers to a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland.
If the prostate gland becomes large enough as a result of BPH it can cause urinary hesitancy or a weak stream. Your male urologist may also ask you if any first-degree relatives had prostate cancer so that they can assess your personal risk for prostate cancer.
If you have multiple first-degree relatives who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, further testing such as a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test may be recommended. If your PSA is abnormally elevated, your doctor may recommend a prostate biopsy. During a biopsy, the physician removes a small sample of tissue from the organ so that the pathologist can examine it for cellular changes.
In addition to asking questions about your prostate health, your doctor may ask you about your medications. Certain medications such as antihistamines and diuretics can change your urinary pattern. Antihistamines can cause urinary retention and a weak urinary flow and diuretic medications can cause frequent urination.
Digital Rectal Examination
Your doctor may also perform a digital rectal examination to evaluate the size, texture, and shape of your prostate gland. Before your digital rectal examination, your physician will put on a lubricated latex glove. They will then gently insert a finger into your anal canal so that the prostate gland can be palpated.
The digital rectal examination is not usually painful, however, you may experience mild pressure during the assessment. It is important to note, that after your digital rectal examination you may experience mild bleeding from your rectum. This is usually caused by internal hemorrhoids that your doctor may have grazed with their finger during your exam.
If you experience changes in your urinary pattern, make an appointment with a male urologist. When urinary and prostate conditions are diagnosed early on they are less like to progress into serious health problems.
For more information, contact a local urologist.