Gloria Neal

  • First Aid For Your Injured Eye

    You may take your eyes for granted, until something happens to them. You splash a chemical in them or a piece of metal flies into them while you're working on a project. In that moment, you realize how important your eyes are and how easy it is to lose your sight. Should you get something in your eye, here are some steps to take to protect your vision before heading off to a hospital emergency room to see the doctors.
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  • Preventing Birth Defects: How Early Pregnancy Care Plays A Large Role

    Many children in developing or "third world" countries are born with birth defects. Since most of them are never seen by a physician due to poverty or distance from adequate healthcare, the true number of children with congenital malformations is unknown. Even though the United States is not considered a developing country, it too, has its share of babies with birth defects. An estimated 25% of these babies' defects could have been prevented with very good prenatal care.
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  • Shoulder Surgery? Understanding The 4 Rotator Cuff Muscles Of Your Shoulder

    If you are in need of shoulder surgery, then you should have a clear understanding of the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff area of your shoulder. By having a clear understanding about your shoulder's muscles, you can speak more clearly with your doctor about your medical condition. The four muscles of your shoulder's rotator cuff are the: infraspinatus subscapularis suprascapularis teres minor Below is some information on each of these muscles and the pain they typically cause when injured:
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  • Got Hard Water? 3 Surprising Health Benefits Associated With Hard Water

    While your detergents and soaps won't lather up very well in hard water, your body gets many benefits from it. For this reason, many doctors have started advising patients to do away with their water softeners, at least when it comes to drinking water. Why? Water softeners work by adding sodium to the water, which causes an ion exchange that lowers water hardness. Increased sodium intake poses many health risks. Not only that, there is no evidence to suggest that hard water harms the body.
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  • Dental Care For Your Kid: Ages 0-6 Months

    When talking about dental care, few parents realize that this important aspect of their child's life begins before any actual teeth break through. While it is easy to understand that baby teeth need to be brushed and flossed in order to prevent decay, it's equally important to establish healthy dental routines before those baby teeth arrive. Here are 3 easy things you can do while your child is 0 to 6 months old to improve your their dental health:
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  • How Can PEMF Treatments Benefit The Body?

    In recent years, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field treatments (PEMFs) have been used to treat various health problems. This type of treatment cannot heal these conditions, however they have been shown to reduce the symptoms substantially. By increasing the electromagnetic energy activity in the cells through PEMF treatments, the cells become healthier and more able to fight off the symptoms that those who have diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, cancer and other chronic health conditions suffer.
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  • Habilitation, the Audiologist, and Your Child

    Your child's audiologist doesn't just help them to hear. This medical professional can also work with your child to build speech skills. Aural and audiologic habilitation offer non-verbal children a few different ways to begin communicating. What Is Habilitation? Habilitation differs from rehabilitation in that the audiologist may be helping your child to build a skill that he never had before, according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). If your child never spoke, this type of therapy means that they are starting from scratch and not working on a skill that has diminished.
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  • How Can I Prevent The Development Of Cavities?

    Regarding your dental care, you'll need to be sure that you're able to avoid cavities at all cost. A lot people deal with cavities, as referenced by statistics that show that 92 percent of people aged 20 to 64 have had some sort of cavity in their adult teeth. Take some tips in mind that will help you to prevent the development of cavities throughout the course of your lifetime. By doing this, you'll give yourself the opportunity to prevent further decay and will be able to protect your overall health in the process.
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  • Tips For Diagnosing And Caring For A Child With A Peanut Allergy

    If you suspect that your child has a peanut allergy, or if you simply want to get them tested to make sure that they don't have a peanut allergy, you need to have them tested. If they do in fact have a peanut allergy, then you will need to make sure that you are giving them the proper care that they need to live as safely as possible with this allergy.
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  • 5 Ways To Lose Weight Naturally

    Whether you are 10 or 50 pounds overweight, you do not have to resort to diet pills or surgery to drop the pounds. Losing weight holistically is a lot healthier and will help you keep it off much longer. Here are five ways you can lose weight naturally. Drink Green Tea If you start drinking green tea every day, it can speed up your metabolism and suppress your appetite. The caffeine in it can increase your thermogenesis, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.
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