Faqs About Eye Health After Age 60

Posted on: 21 June 2016

Changes to your vision after the age of 60 can have an impact on your lifestyle. Fortunately for you, making smart decisions about your eye health and being aware of changes to look for, you can improve the chances of having good eye health. If you are 60 or older, here is what you need to know about your vision. 

What Visual Problems Can Occur?

As you grow older, you are more susceptible to age-related eye conditions. For instance, macular degeneration is a progressive eye condition that can impact your central vision. If you develop this condition, you can have trouble with performing everyday tasks, such as driving and reading. 

Cataracts and glaucoma are also more likely to occur as you age. Cataracts cause a clouding of your eye's lens, which can impact your normal vision. Glaucoma is another progressive condition that could result in the loss of your peripheral vision.

If you have a chronic condition, a failure to properly control the condition coupled with your age can increase your chances of developing an eye condition. For instance, if you fail to control your diabetes over an extended period of time, you can develop diabetic retinopathy. 

The possibility of eye injuries is also increased as you age. Changes to your balance can result in a fall that can lead to an eye injury. 

What Can You Do?

One of the most important steps you can take to protect your vision is to ensure that you are having regular examinations with your eye doctor. Even if you are not experiencing any symptoms of an eye condition, it is possible that you have one. Early detection of an eye condition means a better chance of recovery. 

If you have a chronic condition, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, you need to focus on keeping it under control. For instance, if you have diabetes, carefully monitor your blood sugar levels, stay active, and eat a healthy diet. If you do have a chronic condition, let your eye doctor know. He or she might ask you to have more frequent eye examinations. 

To reduce the chances that you will experience an eye injury in the home, you need to take safety steps around your home. For instance, all sharp edges need to have cushioning on them. You also need to remove or secure slippery flooring. In the bathroom, use a slip-proof bath mat to lessen the chances you fall in the bathtub. 

Talk to an eye doctor, like one at Atlantic Eye Consultant PC - Delianides Aris P MD, about other steps you can take to protect your eye health as you age. 
