What Every Parent Should Know About A Dislocated Shoulder
When the upper portion of the bone in your arm is shifted out of the socket at your shoulder, it's referred to as a shoulder dislocation. Usually the result of a fall or a blow to the shoulder, it can be quite painful. Kids are susceptible to this type of injury from sports, playground time and other recreational activities. If your child is complaining of shoulder pain, here's what you should know to spot and address a dislocated shoulder right away.
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Vaginal Bleeding Following A Hysterectomy
Although it's normal to have some spotting or light bleeding for up to 6 weeks following a hysterectomy – a surgery doctors perform to remove the uterus as a treatment for cancer and other gynecological conditions – there may be a problem if bleeding occurs months or years later. Both cancer and benign conditions can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding after you have a hysterectomy; therefore, it's important to see your doctor to identify the cause.
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Walking Pneumonia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention
If you're dealing with a cold or flu-like illness that seems to be lasting a bit too long, you may be dealing with walking pneumonia. Luckily for you, this type of pneumonia is mild and easily treated, but in order to know that treatment is needed, you first must know the signs. Below is an overview of walking pneumonia, what causes it, its symptoms, and how this infection can be treated and prevented.
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Creating A Trigger-Free Home For Your Asthmatic Child
When your child has an asthma attack it's scary. There are numerous things that can trigger a childhood asthma attack, some of which—like tree pollen—you can't control. However, there are several things that you can do to help your child avoid common household triggers. Check out these tips to learn how to turn your home into a trigger-free place for your asthmatic child. Household and Personal Products Household and personal products with a strong scent release chemicals into the air.
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How To Pick The Right Hearing Aid
If you need to pick a hearing aid, then there are several popular types to choose from. To help you narrow down your options, here are the most popular options: Behind-the-Ear (BTE) - The first and most visible type is known as a BTE hearing aid. These units rest almost entirely outside the ear and are thus pretty visible. If you are wearing a BTE and someone looks at you from the side or behind, they will spot the aid pretty easily.
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What You Need To Know About Mouth Guards And Protecting Youth Athlete's Braces
If you've invested thousands of dollars in your child's braces, you want to protect them any way possible. But if they're an athlete that doesn't wear a mouth guard, they are putting their braces and their health at great risk with every game. Mouth Guards Are Necessary To Protect Your Child's Braces If your child with braces is involved in any type of sport, a mouth guard can help protect them from serious mouth injuries.
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2 Ways That A Physical Therapist Can Help You Manage Pain
Dealing with chronic or extreme pain can be very difficult for most people, but there are quite a few healthcare professionals, such as those at Potter's House Apothecary, Inc, out there that can help you manage your pain. One of the most useful professionals when it comes to managing pain is a physical therapist who can assist you by offering in-home therapy and prevent you from aggravating your condition. In-Home Therapy
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Varicose Veins: Treatment And Prevention
Varicose veins may look scary and threatening, but most of the time, they are veins that are closer to the surface of your skin and this can be caused by a variety of things. Learn more about varicose veins, possible treatment options, and ways to prevent them in the future. What are Varicose Veins? Varicose veins are twisted and or swollen veins near the surface of the skin. Varicose veins can be caused by obesity, pregnancy, age, and can be passed down from parent to child.
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Questions Orthopedic Surgery Patients Often Have
Injuries to your joints can be extremely debilitating, and surgery is often required to repair this type of damage. Luckily, arthroscopic surgery has made it possible for your doctor to perform these procedures using much smaller incisions, which allow patients to experience a much shorter recovering time. However, if you have never undergone this type of procedure, you may benefit from the following answers to common arthroscopic surgery questions. What Should You Expect Immediately Following Arthroscopic Surgery?
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5 Signs Your Toddler Needs Pediatric Speech Therapy
If you have a toddler, he or she may find it difficult to pronounce certain words or construct complex sentences. It's normal of preschoolers to mispronounce consonant sounds, such as "th" or "l." The word "math" may end up sounding more like "maf." Likewise, "long" may be mispronounced as "wong." Nevertheless, you should at least be able to understand most of your youngster's words. In addition, if your little one's speech does not show improvement over time, you may want to consider pediatric speech therapy.
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