Time To Take Off Running: 4 Tips To Avoid Knee Injuries

Posted on: 26 January 2017

The year has just begun. That means it's time to start moving forward on those resolutions. If your New Year's resolution was to get out and run more often, don't just hit the track. You need to take precautions to protect your knees – especially if you're new to running. Without proper care, running can wreak havoc on your knees. To avoid knee injuries, here are four steps you should take before you begin running.

Wear the Proper Shoes

When it comes to running, the proper shoes are your most important piece of equipment. Running puts a lot of pressure on your feet and knees. The right shoes will act as a shock absorber while you're running. Don't just put on a pair of tennis shoes and take off. You'll need a good pair of running shoes. Your shoes should fit you well, have plenty of toe room, and provide proper arch support.

Warm Up

Before you head out for your morning run, make sure you've given your muscles and joints a good warm up. Running without proper warm-up can lead to serious knee injuries. Your warm-up should include stretching your joints – paying close attention to your knees and ankles. You'll know you've warmed up properly when you experience a warming sensation in your muscles and joints.

Choose the Right Running Surface

You might not realize this, but running on the wrong surface can cause severe injuries. Before you start running, make sure you choose a surface that will provide you with the best protection against injuries. Some surfaces you should avoid include rough, uneven, or graveled surfaces. A good, smooth surface will provide you the safest running experience. If you encounter hazardous surface conditions while out on a run, slow down and navigate through that section carefully. Once you're back on a smooth surface, you can take off again.

Don't Overdo It

If this is your first time running, don't overdo it. You're not going to be running marathons as soon as you start running. It will take time to build up to that type of distance and endurance. Trying to take on more than you're ready for will leave you susceptible to knee and muscle injuries. A good way to determine your starting level is to begin running on a track. Run until you feel your body fatigues. Set that time as your starting level. Run at that pace for several days and then begin building up from there.

Running is a great way to add exercise to your life. Unfortunately, without proper preparation and care, it can also lead to serious injuries. Use the tips provided here to avoid knee injuries while running. If you begin experiencing knee pain, be sure to consult with a doctor, like those at Progress West Hospital.
