Health Medical

  • Four Tips When Preparing Your Child For The First Day Of Kindergarten

    Preparing your child for school can mean a lot of work; you will have to get the school clothes ready, vaccines and supplies, among many other things to prepare them for their first day. There are some things that you are bound to forget, and there are some things that you probably will not need. There are also some things that are essential for registering your child in school and getting them started on the first day.
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  • 3 Unusual Things That May Worsen Allergies

    If you're noticing an increase in your allergy symptoms, the cause may surprise you. While you probably know that ragweed, pet dander, mold, pollen and chemicals can lead to a runny nose, watery eyes, a scratchy throat and sneezing, you may not know that certain health conditions and medications can also worsen your symptoms. Here are three unusual things that may exacerbate your allergies: 1. GERD GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, causes stomach acid to travel up into your esophagus, and in severe cases, reach your sinus passages.
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  • Three Funeral Arrangements You Should Consider In Your Preplanning

    It is becoming more common for people to head to their preferred funeral home and make arrangements for their own services. There is no question that this is an intelligent choice and can make things much easier on the loved ones who are left behind. Planning all of the big things, such as where you will be buried or who will be your pallbearers, are vital components that rarely get left out.
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  • Eat Fat To Lose Weight: Why Low-Fat Diets Don't Work

    Are you trying to lose weight? Don't seek out traditional weight-loss recipes that are low in fat and high in sugar or carbohydrates: scientists are beginning to believe that fat isn't bad for you, but carbohydrates and sugar are. The Low-Fat Diet Made America Fatter It turns out that the so-called healthy diet containing lots of carbohydrates and very little fat may be the culprit behind why the population is fatter than ever.
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