Treatment Options For Night Eating Syndrome

Posted on: 29 April 2016
Night eating syndrome, or NES, is a eating disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to eat in the evening. Night eaters have little to no appetite during the day, consuming most of their daily calories at night. Treatment involves a combination of therapies. Symptoms of NES To diagnose a patient with NES, they must display certain symptoms. Lack of morning appetite - night eaters generally don't desire breakfast. They don't awake with hunger pangs like most normal people.
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Three Things You Need to Know about Seeing a Counselor

Posted on: 4 April 2016
If you have been considering seeing a therapist or counselor, you may have put off trying to find one because of misconceptions about what you'd have to do or because you did not feel comfortable talking to a stranger about what you've been going through. However, actual counseling is a lot more flexible and customizable than you realize. The point of counseling is to help you in a way that works with how you yourself work, not to force you into a template that you may find restrictive.
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3 Reasons You Should Call A Chiropractor

Posted on: 4 April 2016
Many people benefit from seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis. In fact, some people have been able to get off certain medications because of the treatments they have had from a chiropractor and the benefits of getting adjusted regularly. If you have never been to a chiropractor, you might be wondering some reasons that a person would see a chiropractor. Here are some of the most common reasons. 1. Headaches and Chronic Pain
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Tips For Young Children With Hearing Aids

Posted on: 21 March 2016
Young children with hearing difficulties can benefit greatly from hearing aids. Being able to hear helps your child learn language skills and basic processing skills so they don't fall behind their peers. The difficulty lies in ensuring your hild keeps their hearing aids on. The following tips can help parents of young children work through common hearing aid issues. Tip #1: Don't make it a game Some children may repeatedly remove their hearing aid.
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