5 Ways To Lose Weight Naturally

Posted on: 17 December 2014
Whether you are 10 or 50 pounds overweight, you do not have to resort to diet pills or surgery to drop the pounds. Losing weight holistically is a lot healthier and will help you keep it off much longer. Here are five ways you can lose weight naturally. Drink Green Tea If you start drinking green tea every day, it can speed up your metabolism and suppress your appetite. The caffeine in it can increase your thermogenesis, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.
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At The Heart Of It All: Heart Centers Treat All Medical Conditions Of The Heart

Posted on: 15 December 2014
The very first successful heart transplant occurred in 1967. Today, over three thousand heart transplants are performed in the U.S. every year, and the patients range from infants to age 60. Patients survive much longer now that medical science has developed better anti-rejection drugs. Heart centers do more than just heart transplants too. If you are considering a visit to a heart treatment center but are not aware of all the services they provide, here is a closer look.
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3 Tips to Help Your Eyes Heal Faster After LASIK

Posted on: 11 December 2014
After getting LASIK eye surgery, your doctor will give you instructions as to how to care for your eyes so they can heal faster. If you follow these instructions closely, your eyes should feel fine within a few days, and here are three additional tips that can help your eyes heal faster after having LASIK surgery. Protect Your Eyes The first step towards healing involves knowing how to protect your eyes after the surgery is complete.
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Want To Run Faster? You May Want To Change Your Stride

Posted on: 9 December 2014
Many weekend warriors hit the treadmills and park paths every week, hopeful that they will improve their times and distance. Unfortunately, many of these runners find that each week brings the same exact results despite their best intentions for improvement. If you're a runner who wants to run faster, you may need to analyze and adjust your stride as the first step towards improving your speed. Do you land on your heels?
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